Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Voter ID Passes the House

It's officially snowing.

Voter ID finally passed the House today. After a five-hour debate (literally, we were in the House chamber from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.), the final vote passed 77-44.

What began as a problematic bill including same-day voter registration, weak voter ID and multi-site early voting came out as a mandatory voter ID, voter registration deadlines moved up to 3 days before the election and an age exemption for those born before August 1, 1944.

Here's a recap of how it went down:

Called up the bill

Motion to previous question – would have cut off debate so amendments could not be offered; failed 58-62

Amendment 1 – passed

Motion to previous question – would have cut off debate so amendments could not be offered; failed 55-65

Amendment 2 – struck all House committee language and inserted comprehensive voter ID language

Amendment 1 to Amendment 2 – would have reinstated motor voter, but made the
bill a 3/5 vote; failed; 55-65
Amendment 2 to Amendment 2 – would take out photo ID; failed 50-70
Amendment 3 to Amendment 2 – would provide age exemption for those born
before August 1, 1944; passed 63-57

Amendment 2 passed 62-58

Amendment 3 – would have prohibited candidates from using campaign money for personal use; ruled not germaine

Amendment 4 – would restore suffrage rights in circuit court to nonviolent offenders; passed 72-48

Amendment 5 – would let people register three days before an election 65-55

Final Passage – passed 77-44

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