Monday, November 1, 2010

Vote Tomorrow

No tomorrow. For the people crying out for change over the last two years, tomorrow you have the opportunity to make your voice heard. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. If you're in the metro area, you'll get the opportunity to vote on the following races:

U.S. House, District 4
Palazzo vs. Taylor vs. Hampton vs. Revies

Chancery Judge, Post 1
Jim Thomas vs. any number of write-in candidates

Chancery Judge, Post 2 (replacing retiring Judge Sebe Dale)
Beam vs. Phillips vs. Russell

Circuit Judge, Post 1 (Lamar Co. only)
Mozingo vs. Prichard

Circuit Judge, Post 2 (Lamar Co. only)
Harrell vs. Turney

If you don't know where you're suppose to vote, go to this Web site; Delbert will tell you where.